Science / Mathematics Division

Science / Mathematics Division
Mission Statement

十大外围app科学/数学学部的任务是提供课程和必要的转学顺序, associate degrees, certificates and occupational programs, 以及实现学院在科学和数字素养以及科学探究方面的通识教育要求.  

Areas of Study

MCCC提供一系列心理学课程,并为计划转入四年制大学攻读心理学专业的学生提供转学途径.  mcc开设的课程包括普通心理学, Psychology of Personality/Adjustment, Child Psychology, Social Psychology, Life Span Psychology, 人类性心理学与变态心理学.

The college also offers programs in Early Childhood Education and Teacher Paraprofessional.

Transfer Options

要获取有关心理学和其他转移途径的信息,请访问 Transfer Options section of the college catalog.


生物学是研究生命的学科——研究生命是如何开始的, how living things are organized, 生物体是如何运作的以及所有生命形式是如何相互作用的. 生物学家将他们对生物的兴趣转向观察和评估生命过程.

对生物学感兴趣的学生可以从事生物学研究, natural resource management, agriculture, human health or education. Work may be outdoors, in a classroom, a laboratory, 研究站:研究站或有专门研究小组的研究站. 学生也可以选择医学专业领域之一, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, physiology, microbiology, molecular biology, zoology or botany.

Biology at MCCC

MCCC为学生提供强大的生物学背景,为他们的职业生涯或继续教育做好准备.   这些主要特点使MCCC的生物产品与众不同:

  • 一个基础广泛的部门,教师精通各种学科
  • State-of-the-art facilities, including a greenhouse, 所有课程的教学模型和大量显微镜载玻片
  • 与教师一起独立学习的机会
  • 预备课程,以支持联合医疗计划, including nursing, respiratory therapy and physical therapy.

本校开设以下生物科学课程:生物科学I, Biological Sciences II, Introduction to Environmental Science, Allied Health Anatomy and Physiology, Elements of Botany, Elements of Zoology, Life in the Ocean, Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, Introduction to Pathophysiology, 一般微生物学和遗传学基础.

Career Options

完成MCCC生物学课程的转学生将会发现各种各样的学院和大学提供许多生物职业领域或专业预科领域的学位课程. 建议学生联系提供这些领域课程的四年制学校.

  • Cell biologist
  • Dentist
  • Dietician
  • Elementary school teacher
  • Fish and game warden
  • Forestry technician
  • Greenhouse grower
  • High school teacher
  • Medical doctor
  • Microscopist
  • Nurse (Bachelor of science)
  • Pharmacist
  • Physical therapist
  • Physician assistant
  • Plant biologist
  • Soil scientist
  • Veterinarian
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Zoologist

Transfer Options

获取有关生物学和其他科学转移途径的信息, 去大学目录的转学选项部分. 


为职业或专业学习做准备的背景. MCCC化学课程的主要特点是:

  • 精通各种学科的教师
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Computers used by students in laboratory work
  • 其他最先进的仪器,如FTIR, GC,偏振光计,可见光谱学等
  • Up-to-date microscale organic labware

MCCC开设了以下化学课程:化学基本原理, General College Chemistry I, General College Chemistry II, Chemistry and Society,  Fundamentals of Health-Science Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II. 

Career Options

完成MCCC化学课程的转学生将会发现许多学院和大学在许多化学职业领域提供学位或专业预科课程.  学生应该联系提供这些课程的四年制学校.

  • Biochemist
  • Chemical engineer
  • Chiropractor
  • Dentist
  • Dietician
  • Mortuary science
  • Nurse
  • Pharmacist
  • Physical therapist
  • Physician
  • Teacher
  • Veterinarian

Transfer Options

To access information about the chemistry, 环境科学和其他科学转移途径, 去大学目录的转学选项部分. 


“没有什么比数学更适合人类。. 在那里,也只有在那里,我们才能触及人类心灵的巅峰.”— Isaac Asimov

数学是对数字、形状、逻辑和动力学的研究.  数学家研究定理,提出问题的一般化, using algebra, number theory, geometry, topology, calculus, chaos theory, probability and logic.  数学也是“解决问题的艺术”.“它被用来解决从确定行星轨道到提高计算机处理速度、分析流体运动到制作电影等问题.

Mathematics at MCCC

MCCC为学生提供强大的数学背景,为他们的职业生涯或专业学习做好准备. 以下是MCCC数学课程的主要特点:

  • 精通各种学科的教师
  • 与教师一起独立学习的机会
  • 预备课程,以支持预专业和转学课程

课程包括基础数学技能, Elementary Technical Mathematics, Technical Mathematics II, Mathematics for Allied Health, Mathematics for Business, Intermediate Algebra, Mathematics Explorations, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, College Algebra, Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry, Math Applications in Engineering Technology, Introduction to Statistics, Precalculus, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II, Calculus I, Calculus II, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 微积分III及微分方程导论.

Career Options

在数学和相关领域有许多职业, such as actuarial science, accounting, elementary, secondary and higher education, consulting, among many others.

Transfer Options

To access information about the mathematics, general engineering and other transfer pathways, 去大学目录的转学选项部分.


MCCC开设气象学和气候概论课程.  本课程介绍了创造日常天气模式的大气过程. Students study topics such as heat and energy, daily and seasonal temperatures, humidity, cloud development and precipitation types, air pressure and winds, development of pressure systems and fronts, weather forecasting and severe weather. 此外,特别强调的是当地的天气模式,气候学和气候变化.

物理科学领域通过关注地球及其组成部分将许多学科联系在一起, 从岩石和土壤到海洋和大气.  mcc的物理科学课程包括技术物理, General Physics I, General Physics II, Engineering Physics I, Engineering Physics II, Introduction to Astronomy, Elements of Physical Geography, World Regional Geography, 地球科学与物理科学导论.

Transfer Options

获取有关物理科学的信息, physics, general engineering, geology/earth sciences transfer pathways, 去大学目录的转学选项部分.



B.S., St. Lawrence University
M.S., University of Connecticut
M.B.A. University of Toledo

Contact Information

(734) 384-4131,, L-224


M.S., University of Toledo

Ph.D., University of Toledo

Contact Information

(734) 384-4277,, L-219


B.S., University of Puerto-Rico-Humacao
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Contact Information

(734) 384-4256,, L-123

B.S., Michigan State University
Ph.D., University of Chicago

Contact Information

(734) 384-4276,, L-220

B.S., University of Michigan-Flint
Ph.D., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4292,, L-225

B.A., Humboldt State University

Ph.D., Michigan Technological University

Contact Information, L-221

D.E.C., Champlain Regional College
B.S., McGill University
M.S., University of Windsor
Ph.D., University of Windsor

Contact Information

(734) 384-4252,, L-212

B.S., University of North Carolina
M.S., University of Rhode Island

Contact Information

(734) 384-4213,, L-116

B.A., Siena Heights University
M.A., Bowling Green State University
Ph.D., University of Toledo

Contact Information

(734) 384-4132,, L-126

B.E., University of Toledo
M.S.E., University of Toledo
Ph.D., University of Toledo

Contact Information

(734) 384-4247,, L-211     

B.S., University of Michigan
M.S., Michigan State University
Ph.D., Ohio State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4130,, L-120

B.A. Kent State University
M.A. Bowling Green State University
Ph.D., University of Toledo

Contact Information

(734) 384-4298,, L-115

Division Contact Information

Kevin Cooper

Dean of Science / Mathematics Division
Phone Icon 734.384.4128
Building / Office IconL-126

Laurel Johnston

Division Coordinator - Science/Mathematics
Phone Icon 734.384.4233
Building / Office IconL-126


Summer Hours (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.