mcc颁发奖项给学生, 俱乐部, 在最近的荣誉之夜庆祝活动的项目和Faculty

十大外围app授予以下学生荣誉, 组织, Faculty和兼职Faculty在2023-24学年的成就.

学院协会杰出学生奖获得者是Hailey Grabowski,校长学术成就奖获得者包括Sarah Ackerman, Nadia天使, 肯尼迪保龄球, 克里斯蒂娜联赛, 麦迪逊Cregar, 摩根·凯和杰米·特兰瑟姆.

Student awards in the Applied Science and Engineering Technology Division included Outstanding ASET Student Award to Nathan Abrams and Jackson Angerer; Outstanding Welding Technology Students Jackson Angerer, Graham Beste-Walz and Brennan Dykes; Outstanding Construction Management Technology Student awarded to Karim Dabaja; Outstanding Automotive Technology Awards to Jaedon Diesing (Auto Service Technology) and Cole Bushroe (Auto Engineering Technology); and Outstanding Mechanical Design Technology Award to Elayn Juhasz. 

Student awards in the Business Division included Outstanding Business Management Student Awards to Garret Smith Thomas and Katelyn Armstrong; Outstanding CIS Student Award to Brooklyn Kayson; Outstanding Accounting Student Award to 克里斯蒂娜联赛; and Outstanding Agriculture Student Award to Benjamin Bruck. 

Health Science Division student award recipients included Outstanding Nursing Student Awards to Abigail Weber (December 2023 Graduating Class) and Rachael Miska (April 2024 Graduation Class); Peer Spirit of Nursing Awards to Brittany Aisuebeogun (December 2023 Graduating Class) and Stone Schmitt (April 2024 Graduating Class); Excellence in Practical Nursing Award to Kara Brown (December 2023 Graduating Class); Practical Nursing Student Peer Recognition Award to Stacy George and Danielle Carmon (December 2023 Graduating Class); and Evan Kureth received the Outstanding Respiratory Therapy Student Award. 

Student awards presented in the Humanities/Social Sciences Division included Outstanding Humanities Student Award to 肯尼迪保龄球; and Excellence in Journalism to Margaret Sandefur, 阿什利·阿德金斯和里斯·鲍林.

科学/数学部门的学生奖项包括Madison DuVall的优秀新生化学奖和April Flanner和Maria Varner的优秀幼儿教育学生奖. 

伊丽莎白·安森(Elizabeth Anson)获得了杰出学生研讨会演讲奖,以表彰她的研究和项目演讲, “重振濒危语言”, 《十大靠谱网投平台》肯尼迪·鲍林, “SOLIDWORKS项目”的Josh Darts, Sephena Jordan“残疾服务的问题”, 艾萨克·帕尔多《十大靠谱网投平台》, 和基根·施密特的《十大靠谱网投平台》. The George Rhodes Writing Fellow Awards was presented to Riley Burns and Brooklyn Kason; and The Dr. 罗纳德·坎贝尔学生政府奖给阿莱娜·马林斯, 中冶学生会协会副会长.

杰出兼职Faculty奖获得者凯利·科斯顿, 事业部和杰出Faculty奖获得者Helen Stripling, 卫生科学部临时院长, 呼吸治疗项目的主任和教员, 是通过学生和教职员工提名他们认为优秀的Faculty来选择的吗. 获奖者由Faculty组成的委员会选出, 支持人员, 管理员, 和学生. 

心理学兴趣小组于今年三月举办的“包容性讲座”荣获“年度杰出学生计划奖”. 今年早些时候,年度杰出多样性项目奖表彰了艾琳·米勒(Irene Miller)参加的一次作者访问活动, 大屠杀幸存者, 教育家,《十大外围app》的作者, 谁与学生分享她的经历, Faculty, 员工与社会.


成立于1964年, 十大外围app是一所公立大学, 由门罗县提供税收支持的两年制机构, 来自密歇根州的教育基金和学生学费.  

学院的使命是通过提供机会和卓越的高等教育来丰富和改变人们的生活.  主校区位于密歇根州门罗市南瑞斯维尔路1555号.到托莱多和底特律很方便.  惠特曼中心位于刘易斯大道7777号.密歇根州,节制.1882年,在俄亥俄州和密歇根州边境附近.  有关ccc的详细资料,请浏览

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